The New Face of Networking
The oven is a value delivery and staffing platform for youthful professionals who create a consulting and networking community to benefit from the subsequent leverages and synergies created.
To understand the products and services of our consultancy, it is crucial to understand the structure and approach of our staff members. Comprised of professional, vibrant and youthful individuals, "the oven" is a responsive unit with strong practitioners and advocates of both change and reform. "Since we are primarily design-driven, our staff members thrive when handling projects that are directly related to transformation," said managing partner BW Simiyu at the project's launch on the 21st December 2015.
Some of the principle characteristics of the oven are:
It offers its products and services through two subsidiaries. That is – Bueths & Kurt CDA (Commercial Diplomacy Agency) and Business Strategist & Custodians (BSc).
Secondly, it embraces the concept of part time. Meaning, applicants can be employed, students, business owners, unemployed or any combinations of the above and still qualify. However, at no point will quality be overlooked. Our sense here is getting members and participants to add value to the group cause without disrupting their vocational path.
A job is a commodity. Job terms are highly personalized and pay is on the hour with a maximum of sixty hours a week and a minimum of ten hours a week for pay. Each member works for a three months, six months or one year contract but renewal is optional for both parties
The oven also has avantgarde job titles such envoys, emissaries and head operatives, as well unique features such as in-house utility units that help in effective & efficient performance levels.

Big data’s potential just keeps growing. Taking full advantage means companies must incorporate analytics into their strategic vision and use it to make better, faster decisions. It is for this reason that learning and analysis of the data collected is very much the core fabric of what we do at the oven.
The data-analytics revolutionnow under way has the potential to transform how companies organize, operate, manage talent, and create value. That’s starting to happen in a few companies—typically ones that are reaping major rewards from their data—but it’s far from the norm. There’s a simple reason: top level executives, the only people who can drive the broader business changes needed to fully exploit advanced analytics, tend to avoid getting dragged into the depth of this field. The complexity of the methodologies, the increasing importance of machine learning, and the sheer scale of the data sets make it tempting for senior leaders to “leave it to the experts.”But that’s also a mistake. Advanced data analytics is a quintessential business matter. That means that top level executives must be able to clearly articulate its purpose and then translate it into action.